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If you have an interest in any of the committees below, please contact for information about how to subscribe to these committees.

Young Engineers Committee (YEC)

To provide a forum where young practicing engineers can come to promote the structural engineering field, as well as learn from both young and experienced members of SEAOI.

Women in Structural Engineering (WiSE)

WISE provides a forum for networking in the context of educating our members.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee

To promote equity, diversity, and inclusion within the SEAOI Organization through diverse representation and active agency.

Government Affairs and Structural Engineers Political Action Committees (GAC/SEPAC)

The Government Affairs Committee works closely with the Political Action Committee, or SEPAC. SEPAC was formed in 1987 to represent the interests of structural engineering and allied professions in the political and legislative arenas in Illinois. SEPAC is an independent, bipartisan organization.

Structural Engineers Foundation (SEF)

The Structural Engineers Foundation is an independent, non-profit charitable organization dedicated to one goal: the advancement of structural engineering. To attain this goal, and thus prepare for tomorrow's horizons, the SEF has committed itself to sponsoring and funding scholarships, lectures, awards, publications and research - all aimed at improving structural engineers and structural engineering.

Building Codes Committee

To make recommendations for amendments to the Codes which would incorporate new developments in various aspects of the design of structures and specifications used in the practice of Structural Engineering.

Continuing Education Committee

The Continuing Education Committee plans SEAOI seminars and workshops throughout the year. The committee selects topics and recruits instructors to meet the continuing education needs of structural engineers.

Dinner Meetings Committee

The Dinner Meetings Committee determines topics and secures speakers for the monthly Dinner Meetings.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is composed of the Board President, President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, and the immediate Past-President.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee encourages those in the practice of structural engineering and allied professions to become members of the association for the purpose of advancing the profession. In addition, it maintains a membership list and publishes the SEAOI membership directory.

Public Relations/Outreach Committee

The Public Relations/Outreach Committee serves as liaison between the profession, the public, and the media, initiating activities that make Structural Engineering more visible to and more appreciated by the media and the general public.

Sponsorship Committee

The SEAOI Sponsorship Committee’s goal is to provide information and communication to potential affiliate sponsorship companies that have a history or interest in supporting SEAOI and the structural design and construction industry in general.

Strategic Planning Committee

Structures Symposium Committee

The Structures Symposium Committee is responsible for scheduling and arranging this annual day-long event. The Committee solicits and reviews abstracts, selecting presentations that cover a broad range of structural engineering issues.

20 N. Wacker Dr., Suite 750
Chicago, IL  60606

© Structural Engineers Association of Illinois

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