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Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee


SEAOI is an advocate for equity, diversity, inclusion, and engagement within the structural engineering community.


  • Promote equity, diversity, and inclusion within the SEAOI Organization through diverse representation and active agency, including the Board of Directors, Committees, Events, and Membership. 
  • Advocate for equity, diversity, and inclusion throughout the profession by actively leveraging our network to provide more opportunities for networking, mentoring, and training. 
  • Increase our membership’s engagement in programs at the university level and high school level to shepherd a more diverse group of students to careers in structural engineering.

Co - Committee Chair

Cathleen Jacinto, PE
Principal | Design Director
FORSE Consulting

Co - Committee Chair

Eric Wheeler, SE
Vice President
Thornton Tomasetti

Committee Members

Derek Boeldt

Johann Aakre

Rachel Jackson

Marcus Woods

Chris Freisinger

Will Kolbuk

Russ Robinson

Jennie Traut-Todaro

John Leary

Get to know the EDI Committee

What is the mission of the EDI Committee?

The Equity Diversity Inclusion (EDI) Committee advocates for equity, diversity, inclusion, and engagement within the structural engineering community.  Our mission is to:

  • Promote equity, diversity, and inclusion within the SEAOI Organization through diverse representation and active agency, including the Board of Directors, Committees, Events, and Membership. 
  • Advocate for equity, diversity, and inclusion throughout the profession by actively leveraging our network to provide more opportunities for networking, mentoring, and training. 
  • Increase our membership’s engagement in programs at the university level and high school level to shepherd a more diverse group of students to careers in structural engineering.

What is the greatest hope for the EDI Committee? 

We hope that others will find representation and a voice through SEAOI to strengthen and unite our structural engineering community through equity, diversity and inclusion.

What is the biggest challenge facing the EDI Committee right now?

Since we are a young committee, there may be structural engineers that are not aware we exist.  Our biggest challenge today is spreading the word and inviting anyone interested in joining us.  We are here and have exciting initiatives we are tackling. The more members we have, the more diverse we are, and the more voices we have to speak through SEAOI. Interested in joining?  Send an email to  We look forward to hearing from you!

How can the SEAOI Membership help the EDI Committee?

If you ever hear of a great speaker, event, or organization that promotes EDI in both the professional world and in student outreach, we would love to hear about it!  We can work to hold panel discussions, training events, or partner with other organizations to learn about how they are promoting EDI.  

Comments from current EDI Committee Members:

1. Why did you join the EDI Committee?
Cathleen Jacinto - To do my part to raise awareness to EDI initiatives and foster inclusive working environments, to ultimately strengthen our SE community and business success.

2. Why is the EDI committee important to you?
Rose McClure - To me, it’s all about attracting and retaining the best talent in our profession. 

3. What EDI initiative are you most proud of?
Jennie Traut-Todaro - I’m most proud of our first Checking the Pulse discussion that really kicked off our organization’s open discussion about diversity.  Since then I have been able to meet and work on initiatives with members who I may not have worked with before for the benefit of our membership.  I find that the most rewarding.


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20 N. Wacker Dr., Suite 750
Chicago, IL  60606

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