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February 2025 Dinner Meeting: The RPM Final Touches - Constructing the CTA Stations

$25.00 - Member price
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The Red and Purple Modernization (RPM) Phase One Project is the largest capital project in CTA history, consisting of a new bypass structure just north of the Belmont station, a complete rebuild of the Lawrence, Argyle, Berwyn and Bryn Mawr stations and the installation of a new signal system between Howard and Belmont. During SEAOI’s January 2020 meeting, the project was presented largely conceptually, illustrating the challenges that the design and contract team face over the coming years. At this presentation we will first recap the project, the challenges, and overall construction progress followed by a focus on the 4 newly constructed stations. The presentation will discuss structural design of the platform canopies and the strategies used to uniformly integrate electrical and communication equipment for long-term service life and maintenance while maintaining the unique identity of each of the four stations. Learning Objectives: -Discuss strategies used to retain the unique identity of each of the 4 stations while implementing uniformity in detailing for constructability. -Discuss structural design of the platform canopies and the strategies used to integrate electrical and communication equipment for long-term service life and maintenance. -Discuss challenges and solutions related to building stations and platforms in tight work zones. 1 CE Credit Speakers: Matt Mullins, Carrie Wagener, Abby Hutter, Rick Murphy, Tom Hoepf, Jonathan Pearson

20 N. Wacker Dr., Suite 750
Chicago, IL  60606

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