March 12, 2024, 12 - 1pm Central $25 member/$40 non-member if
purchased individually
Get an in-depth analysis of the various components of a structural masonry wall system. Learn the “how” and “why” specific to each element of structural masonry. We’ll walk you through examples that show how to specify block strength, mortar type, and grout strength. You’ll also explore various types of wall design and flexible masonry corridor walls. Finally, review typical 2D and 3D structural masonry details including practical usage, limitations, and common errors.
May 21, 2024, 12 - 1pm Central $25 member/$40 non-member if
purchased individually
Let’s develop a checklist for masonry design. The important part of the checklist is that the designs be: optimal and efficient, safe and reliable, and constructible. Each item from the checklist will be supported by current industry standards.
July 16, 2024, 12 - 1pm Central $25 member/$40 non-member if
purchased individually
Get inspired by innovative masonry case studies that add value, usefulness, and appreciation to masonry design and construction. These case studies, involving real construction projects, cover a variety of building types. We’ll compare several different structural systems and their impacts to cost and schedule. Using higher compressive strength values and software analysis, structural masonry walls can be designed to be more efficient.
September 17, 2024, 12 - 1pm Central $25 member/$40 non-member if purchased individually
Learn about updated storm shelter provisions per IBC 2015 and ICC 500, including examples of storm shelter concept designs. We’ll discuss the requirements for the design and construction of storm shelters to safeguard the public health, safety, and welfare in high-wind events, like tornadoes and hurricanes. Focus is on best practice for the design of masonry structures to accommodate high wind loading and storm shelter provisions of the code.
BUNDLE Registration Rates -- All four courses
for one discounted price
Members/SEA Members/AIA Members: $75
Non-members: $120

FORSE Consulting is brought to you through the support of the Illinois Structural Masonry Coalition

Thanks to our Presenting Partner!