Structural Engineers are called upon to tackle tough analytical problems every day and AISC has many resources available to make that job a little bit easier. This one-hour presentation will familiarize you with the great technical resources available in the AISC Design Guide Series. The session will review the Design Guide Series paying particular attention to the Design Guides that cover base plate design (DG#1), floor vibrations (DG#11), assessment and repair (DG#16). HSS connections (DG#24), hybrid steel frames with wood floors (DG#37), SpeedCore (DG #38), and end-plate moment connections (#39).
1 CE credit
This is a virtual event on Zoom. All attendees are required to have a free Zoom account in order to access the webinar.
This presentation will not be recorded.
Members: FREE Nonmembers: $45
Michael Desch, PhDStaff Engineer - American Institute of Steel ConstructionMichael is a staff engineer in the Engineering and Research Department at AISC, located in Chicago, IL. He has worked for AISC for the past two years after completing his PhD at Illinois Institute of Technology. He is heavily involved in the coordination, review, and editing of the AISC Design Guide series and many other AISC publications.
20 N. Wacker Dr., Suite 750Chicago, IL 60606
© Structural Engineers Association of Illinois